Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's wrong with this picture?

Very the least I can say about the current dilema in which I find myself.  I am a single female who just turned the "Big 50".  I have worked, and paid into our system, since I was sixteen years old.  By my calculations, that is 34 years of paying Uncle Sam.  I must be honest;  Through high school and college my contributions were minimal, though I did still work and pay taxes.  As I have gotten older my "contributions" have become more substantial, especially in the last 21 years.  I am sure that over the years my contributions, by way of taxes, have been used to pay for worth while projects like schools, parks, and anything having to do with the betterment of childrens lives.  No problem.  Even the welfare system has it's place in our society.  I never really complained about taxes, eventhough as a single woman, with no children, I got royally robbed.  The extent of that robbery has become very evident to me in the past two years, however. 
In October of 2009 I had to leave my job, of almost 20 years, and go on disability.  I have a disease called Porphyria.  It is a genetic, chronic, incurable, progressive disease.  It involves the liver and it's ability to metabolize correctly, to put it very simply.  It is really a rare and complicated disease, qualifying it to be registered under NORD (National Organization of Rare Disorders).  I receive treatments through a port, in my chest, on a monthly basis.  I have done these treatments for the past 18 years and am currently using my third port.  When I first started getting these treatments it was no more than a 24 hour stay at the local hospital.  Eighteen years later, it is taking 31/2 to 4 DAYS to accomplish about half of the results that I used to enjoy.  The progression of the disease has caused me to have neuropathy on my left side that is pretty significant, chronic pain in my joints-bones-and nerves, weight gain and general inability to do much activity that involves walking or standing.  Especially since I have been up-graded to a Morphine patch, recently.  Prognosis is not good, to say the least.  Here in lies the problem...............
I am a Cosmetologist, by trade.  The past 18-20 years of my career were in education.  I traveled all over the United States, to Canada once and Puerto Rico several times, for my job.  My title was Artistic Director and it was a salaried, corporate position.  Part of my benefit package was disability insurance which I paid into on a bi-weekly basis.  When I had to finally call it quits, in October of 2009, I applied for long term disability.  UNUM, the company that I had paid into for years, denied me.  I appealed and won.  HOW is it legal to take someones money for years, in premiums, then deny when they have a claim?  How is it okay for them to then force me to apply for Social Security benefits?  HOW, I ask you again, is it legal for an insurance company to force me to collect my Social Security benefits early only to subsidise so that THEY get out of their obligation to pay my disability?  It should not be this way.  Laws need to change in this regard.  I have applied for Social Security Disability and was denied.  I have not worked for almost two years.  They have all of the statements from my doctors, as well as the records from my nurses who access my port and administer my IV fluids.  This information isn't ENOUGH for the Dr's at the determination board to decide that I am, in fact, disabled.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME????  I have appealed to Social Security and UNUM actually provides me with an attorney to fight Social Security.  Yeah, wrap your head around that for a second.  UNUM would rather waste money on attorneys to fight Social Security, than just pay the claim.  I have to say ARE YOU KIDDING ME again, to Social Security though.  I, again, have paid into SS since I was 16 years old.  Where is it when I need it?  My COBRA ends in October of this year, which will leave me with NO insurance or way to pay for my treatments.  The cost is outrageous.  Imagine 4 days of IV every month.  Without these treatments I will DIE!!!!  No one seems to care.  I have looked into every alternative I can find for insurance or help with medical assistance.  I can't collect Medicaid because I have too many assets.  I own a home and car and have a retirement IRA, none of which add up to a whole hell of a lot.  Too much to receive any help though.  I was then directed to the Hoosier Health Program.  It is designed for Indiana residents who don't have insurance.  Because of my health, my premiums would be $900.00 per month.  I don't know about you, but I couldn't have paid that when I WAS working.  I have written and called my Congressman, Mike Pence and my Senator, Richard Lugar to request any assistance that they may be able to give with my appeal for Social Security.  I was told that I would be given a hearing before a judge to determine if I am, in fact, disabled.  The catch is that I won't get that hearing for TWO MORE YEARS!  That is how backed up SS is in Indiana.  With my insurance ending in October of this year, I will basically be paying for my medical care out of pocket, which I can NOT afford.  I recently sold my beautiful Buick Lucerne, just so I could pay my medical bills.  HOW, in America, is it okay for people to fall through the cracks like this?  WHO is there to turn to for help?  WHY must I lose everything I worked for because I am ill?  It's just NOT OKAY. 
As I began this Blog, I will end it.  What is wrong with this picture?


  1. Becky, I am so spitting mad for you I have no words. You are always in my thoughts, if there is anything I can do to help please ask! I will be in Indy for a couple days in August but I won't have my own transportation. If I can work it out I'd love to come see you again.

  2. Your insurance company probably isn't paying for that lawyer to help you with your social are. The attorney will get a percentage of your backpay, that is why they are in no hurry to get it approved. May not be the case, but you may want to check. The good thing is that when your disability gets approved you will get insurance. I have never know anyone to get their disability without an attorney, even terminal cases. The system is not aimed to help people that work and try to help themselves. It is RIDICULOUS that you are having to worry about all of this on top of your health issues. I will pray that God puts people in your life that can open up doors to get this resolved.
