Thursday, July 28, 2011

Feeling Stronger Everyday.............

Well, liver treatment is done, for the month of July.  Three weeks reprieve until the next round.  It usually takes me about two days to recover and gain my strength back. 
Looking back to Tuesday, when I got the WONDERFUL news about Social Security.  Hoping our government can remove their heads from their asses long enough to cut me a check....LOL  It's not really funny, though.  Is anyone wondering why SS has no money?  Allow me to enlighten you.  My SS is retroactive to October of 2009, the last day I was able to work.  Social Security pays back pay.  I, however, do not qualify to receive that pay because that would be called double dipping.  I was paid by UNUM for all of those months.   I completely understand.  It's only fair......or is it?  Here is where it gets all cloudy and political.  Since I can not receive those monies, one would assume that they go back into the fund.  Well, that's where you'd be wrong.  UNUM gets that money.  My back pay adds up to almost 40,000 dollars.  WHY should the insurance company, again, be subsidised by the government?  I paid them a premium for years before I had to file a claim.  Wouldn't that cover it?  I do understand the double dipping, but wouldn't that money be better spent by ME putting it back into the economy?  I don't find this to be ethical and don't know why it is even legal.  Let's not give the money to the sick person who still has thousands of dollars in medical bills, that wouldn't be right.  After all, we've already paid them A FRACTION of what their salary was.  I know..... let's give it to a huge corporation so they can misuse it.  All I can say is WTF?  Its no wonder America has no money.
 Watch out Washington.  I am diligently persuing how to become an advocate/lobbiest for people in my situation.  I can honestly say that the majority of things I have set my mind to, in this life, I have accomplished.  Medical and insurance laws seriously need to change, in this country.  I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!  Everyone write to your Congressman/woman and ask them why this is.  Ask them if they're one of the geniuses who voted for it,  if they are...make sure they don't get re-elected.  Last time I checked, we're still a democracy.  The people running Washington sometimes need a reminder that the US Constitution begins with WE THE PEOPLE....... not we the elite of Washington.

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