Wednesday, July 27, 2011

There IS a God!!!

How big is that angel sitting on your shoulder, today?  This is the first thing my attorney said to me when I answered the phone yesterday afternoon.  My response, Ummmmm.......why?  Because Social Security just called and they have granted your claim.  HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!! I just began to cry.  I apologized to my attorney because I was crying pretty hard and she said, "you go ahead and cry because I know that this is a life saver for you".  Then SHE started to cry.  Oh my.  What wonderful news.  Now I can get Medicare and actually pay for my liver treatments.  I'M NOT GOING TO DIE IN THE NEXT TWO YEARS!!!!  It is still sinking in.  All I can say is thank you God.  He did hear all of our prayers, and I say OUR because I know a lot of you have been praying for me.  Thank you.  God heard you.  God saw all of my sleepless nights and collected all of those tears as I've cried myself to sleep many nights.  He is so Faithful. update you about my nurse situation.  The new nurse was awesome, but she's not, ultimately, going to be my nurse.  Figures.  There is a new guy who will be assigned to me.  The awesome nurse who came said that she would come with him, his first few times,though.  That made me feel better.  I guess there is always a lot of turn over in Home Health Care. 
Would love to write more, but today is starting out to be a very nausiated morning.  Day 3, of the treatment, is uually this way.  Lots of television and lots of throwing up.  It's all good because I'm getting Medicare!!!!

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